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Quality control laboratory

FUNOSA's production quality laboratories are equipped with the most effective state-of-the-art technology and include a full range of measurment, inspection and testing equipment:

  • Emission spectrometer
  • Carbon-sulphur analyser
  • Durometers
  • Traction universal testing machine
  • Microscopes
  • 3-D measuring equipment
  • Magnetic particle testing equipment
  • Ultrasound testing equipment
  • A strict Calibration Plan that ensures that the measurement, inspection and testing equipment is correctly adjusted and calibrated


Our highly qualified team take part in a continuous training programme that guarantees we always meet the changing quality requirements of the market.

Our intranet allows us to access all data and electronic databases quickly and efficiently at any time, as well as generating the quality certificates.



Water companies

Agbar, Emasesa,  Emasa, AMVISA, SEOR …

Electricity companies

Endesa, Iberdrola, EAE Ceuta, Unelco,Viesgo, R.E.E, Eléctrica de Cádiz, Unión Fenosa


Telefónica, Vodafone, Euskatel,  CTTI, Metropolitana, Orange, Masmovil …

Public organizations and municipalities

Govierno de Cantabria, Vila-Real, Almería, Frigiliana, Sevilla, Córdoba, Acosol, Chipiona, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, San Fernando Cáceres Benidorm El Ejido, Barcelona Consorcio, Aguas Bilbao-Bizkaia, Cantabria, Valladolid, Madrid 



Piece identification for Cofunco. The applied paint is epoxi-polyester powder what confers the following properties to it:

  • Environmental respect in our manufacturing processes because nor dissolvents  nor water for the painting are used.
  • It adapts perfectly to the geometry of the part so that the possible irregularities of the foundry are not hidden.
  • Ultraviolet rays resistance to preserve the color.
  • Corrosion resistance (Minimum 500 hours of resistance in salt moisture test).
  • It facilitates the manipulation preventing sticking when touching.
  • It does not give off troublesome smells.